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trusting the rough road Aug 15, 2024

End of summer seems like the time people should be rested up and ready for the routines of fall, but that's not the vibe I'm getting.

This morning, I got paired up on the pickleball court with Paul. I first met him in late spring when we were partners in a co-ed pickleball league. As we got to...

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the non-emergency, emergency May 03, 2024

This week, I found myself in a situation that I couldn’t make sense of.

I walked into Walgreens on Wednesday night to grab something quick, and as I crossed into the building, I immediately saw someone lying on the ground next to their walker.

I scanned up to see the cashier standing behind...

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My sober summer...100 days later. Sep 07, 2022

I had no idea when I committed to a sober summer, I'd be sitting here writing about it, feeling rather emotional.  I guess anytime you do something for your self as an act of love and care, it should feel like something.

When I started on this challenge, I needed a break.  I was waking...

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Wisdom from my first 50 years; 50 thoughts. May 23, 2022

In honor of this first half century of life, 50 bits of wisdom.  I hope this message finds you well and leaves you with a thought or two for your days.

Be well!

  1. Everyone is doing the best they can with what they have. 
  2. What's true for me doesn't have to be true for others. 
  3. ...
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How cluttered are you? (Take the quiz) Mar 21, 2022

Did you know you are just one big, buzzing ball of energy? 

Try this...Rub your hands together quickly until you feel the heat/friction.  Now slowly pull your hands apart, can you feel the energy between your hands?

You are energy.  Everything is.

We are impacted by energy in...

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the choices we make Jan 10, 2022

I was standing in the cabin kitchen with one of my closest friends.  We had just finished a big dinner and the kitchen was a mess.  I stood at the counter gathering up s’more making supplies, getting ready to head down to the fire.  It was the most beautiful time of night;...

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you are here Jan 04, 2022

On the last day of 2021, we hiked to the top of Squaw Peak in Pheonix.  Walking and hiking for me are an opportunity to connect my mind, body and spirit. 

I realized as I was climbing along that every single step mattered. Whenever I found myself getting distracted and took my...

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so peaceful Jul 05, 2021


During our final coaching call on Sunday morning, I asked Cameron, “How do you want to feel when you get done today?”  In the space between my question and his answer, from the TV in his room…a woman said, “So peaceful.”  “I guess we’ll...

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I can’t fix you, but I can help you. Aug 14, 2020

I was sitting in the waiting room at Children’s hospital waiting for my daughter to finish a test.  I had about an hour to notice and observe my surroundings.  Kids of all ages in wheelchairs, leg braces and helmets.  Every parents greatest fear was suddenly everywhere around...

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Something disturbing happened Aug 06, 2020

We left the cabin yesterday before the sun came up to meet our chartered fishing boat about 75 minutes north on Lake Superior.  Not surprisingly, this early morning, north woods venture was like driving through a deer obstacle course and praying not to hit one.

As we were cruising along,...

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the eerie quiet...the change Apr 02, 2020

When I went up to bed last night, the house was quiet and I noticed right away how still it felt.  The window was open in our room, the first time since spring arrived and I could smell the fresh, crisp air.  My attention was immediately drawn to the still life that was just outside, as...

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absolutely. no. regrets Mar 28, 2020

When I was 19 years old, I took a job as a “summer girl” in an affluent Edina neighborhood with 4 kids; twins, Sara and Abby, 10, Molly, age 8 and Tommy, 1.   I spent those college summers hanging out with the kids at the pool, driving to appointments, making meals, doing...

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